How To Improve User Experience in Website Design

User Experience

Your website is the central driving force of your online marketing strategies. Yet for the heights of business success, you need to have a complete understanding of the issues that your various site visitors need to resolve. There is truly no limit to the degree of influence that your site can have on your business development and growth.

However, you need to ensure that your website design offers optimal levels of excellent user experience. With the rapid technical and visual improvements in web design, your site can seem to need a major update overnight.

Yet most owners of e-commerce websites simply lack the time to make constant updates to their sites. However, there are several important changes and enhancements that you can easily use to upgrade your site design and user experience (UX).

Ways to Enhance your Website Design for Better User Experience

You can improve user experience in your website design by implementing the following techniques:

1. Optimize Your Web Page Speed. Web statistical studies reveal that a web page that requires an extra four to five seconds to load can boost your site’s visitor bounce rate by upwards of 20 percent. In today’s fast-paced world, web users simply do not have extra time to wait on slow-loading web pages.

By compressing your website’s images prior to loading them onto your site, you can enjoy the benefits of significantly faster page-loading times. You can use and other websites for assistance in accomplishing this goal. Google also provides a service for determining and improving the loading speed of your site pages for desktop and mobile access.

2. Make Good Use of White Space. Crazy Egg reports that web page white space surrounding titles and text improves user focus by 20 percent. Adequate amounts of white space can also give your website a fresh, updated and open feeling. If this type of site design suits your brand, your site should act as a catalyst for greater targeted traffic and increased sales conversions.

3. Use Responsive Website Design. Ensure that your website has responsive web design so that it is easy to access and view on virtually any size screen. Your site pages should be equally accessible and usable on a desktop, laptop, tablet, mini-tablet or smartphone today.

This will please your target audience and increase your website’s visitor use times considerably. Having a mobile-friendly site is essential today for building and maintaining a profitable online business.

4. Include Hyperlink Differentiation. Since you include links on your site pages so that your visitors will click and explore them, call attention to each link. By underscoring link anchor text or giving it a bright colour, you will attract your site users’ attention to your links.

The majority of web users are most accustomed to blue link anchor text or titles. Yet if you think another colour will bring better results on your web pages, choose that colour and see how it performs. Make sure that your link title text clearly identifies the link content for site visitors.

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