How to Improve Your Page Rank

Page Rank

Page ranking is vitally important in today’s virtual world. Consumers use search engines like Google to research companies and products on a daily basis. Research has shown that most consumers click only on the first three hits on a search engine. These same consumers rarely look past the first page of results for any given search.

Improving a page rank takes time. However, anyone can increase their ranking if they take the effort to learn the basics.

High Quality Web Content
Some businesses believe that they simply need to repeat a few key phrases to have a high search engine ranking. Search engines use metrics that factor in the quality of the web content along with the keywords that are used. Make sure content is meaningful and adds value to the website.

Factor in Social Media
Consumers who find useful web content have a tendency to share that content with others via blogs and social networking. Webpages receive higher search engine rankings when they are linked from multiple sources. Make it easy for others to share pages by including quick links to the most popular social networking sites.

Generate Linkbacks
Few businesses can afford to wait for consumers to link to their pages to get a higher search engine ranking. Create linkbacks by linking to the website on webpages like Wikipedia, in related blogs, and on social networking sites.

Utilize RSS
Using a Rich Site Summary creates a feed that lets website visitors stay up-to-date on every important change that is made. RSS is particularly useful for businesses that regularly update their blogs and product offerings.

Use Web Directories
Business owners should not forget to submit their websites to web directories. Open Directory Project is arguably the most useful for receiving a high ranking in Google. Yahoo! Directory is another choice that should not be overlooked.

Market the Website
Marketing is not something that is only done in the brick-and-mortar world. Every online communication offers the opportunity to publicise a website. Of course, this does not mean that websites should be ignored in printed publications. All office stationery, including business cards and letterhead, should reference the company’s URL. Though a printed web address will not directly lead to a higher search engine ranking, it will cause more traffic to the site. In turn, this could lead to a much higher ranking and possible social media chatter.

Continually Update Web Content
It is important to keep all web content current for multiple reasons. Web content that is updated on a regular basis is more readily ranked by popular search engines. Customers also need to have the latest information available about any given business. Weekly featured products, a special story highlighting a valuable employee, or a daily blog can make a truly alter the usefulness of a website and the page’s ranking.

A high page rank can mean the difference between a successful website and an unknown business. Every business owner should take the time to ensure their business has the highest rank possible on multiple search engines. Companies of all scopes and sizes can be wildly successful when these tips are heeded.

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