How Your Web Hosting Provider Can Impact Your Website’s Loading Speed

Web Hosting Provider

In today’s fast-paced lifestyles and rapid online business or personal interest activity, website loading speed has major significance. Web pages with fast- loading speed bring best results for superior user experience and greater conversion rates. Online companies with sites that load quickly can attract higher volumes of web traffic and build client bases much faster than competitors with slower loading sites.

No one wants to spend extra time waiting for the pages of a website to load. In fact, the accepted time limit for site loading for the average web user today is constantly decreasing. Unless your site pages load completely within two or two-and-a-half minutes today, your web audience and new site visitors are very likely to exit your website in search of a similar site with faster loading speed. Unfortunately, this other site may be the domain of your strongest business rival.

Aside from impeding your e-commerce website’s customer base growth and conversion rates, a web hosting provider who does not support fast page loading speed for your site can cause adverse effects on your Google rankings. In Google’s last ranking algorithm update, page loading speed is given primary emphasis for achieving and maintaining high website placement in web searches. Slow site page loading time may significantly reduce the effectiveness of SEO for your domain.

Your Website’s Loading Speed May Be Impacted by Your Web Hosting Provider

The web hosting provider who you have chosen for your company site may be impacting your website’s loading speed much more than you realize. Experienced web hosting providers will recommend high quality hosting packages that include features that will increase your site’s loading speed significantly, such as the following:

• Fast Hard Drive Use. Your experienced web hosting provider will suggest using a solid-state drive that supports faster loading for all site page content. This will enable your website to exhibit consistently faster performance than a standard hard disc can offer.

• Dedicated Server or VPS. Responsible web hosting companies will recommend that you use a dedicated server or VPS (Virtual Private Server) instead of a shared server. When your hosting package includes the use of either a VPS or dedicated server for your business site, this will eliminate any problems with other websites using your website’s memory, processor and other resources. This will also ensure your site of impressively faster loading speed.

• Localized Resources. By keeping your site resources on the web server, you can enjoy improved performance. If these resources are on another server that offers shared hosting services, the speed of your site performance will most likely be impeded, sometimes severely.

• Additional Resources. With greater memory and processing power, your server will have the capacity to execute requests more rapidly. With use of a dedicated server, you can benefit from many more resources.

By upgrading your web hosting plan, you can benefit from significantly faster website loading speed. This is especially true if you have a site that is resource-intensive or dependent. Upgrading your hosting plan can also boost your site’s loading speed when multiple web users are accessing and browsing on your domain at the same time. The use of a Content Distribution Network (CDN) service may also speed up your site loading speed, especially if you have heavy images or a large amount of graphics on your website.

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