The Differences Between Domain, Email, and Web Hosting: What You Need to Know

Differences Between Domain, Email, and Web Hosting

If you started your small online business without signing up for an email hosting service, you probably regretted this later on. Although it may seem like a minor business service at first, an effective email hosting service can pave the road to your company’s success. It also protects your business from communication breaches that can occur when you rely on free email services for business.

Major Differences Between Domain, Email and Web Hosting

As an online business owner, you need to know the primary differences between web, domain and email hosting. The most important differences in these services include the following:

• Domain Hosting. After you register your domain name with a domain registrar, the registrar will provide registration services and storage for your website. Your URL acts as your “home address” on the web, enabling Internet users to locate and access your website. If your domain host is a third-party provider, your domain registrar serves as your domain host.

Today, many web hosting providers offer package deals that include domain registration, web hosting and email hosting. Most of these providers also offer comprehensive customer support, which is especially helpful to owners of new online startup company sites.

• Email Hosting. An email hosting service includes the total capacities of the server that hosts and stores your email messages and files. A server that hosts your email can be managed by another host. It can also be the server that hosts your website and its content. The server hosting your email can also be different from the one that hosts your website but operated by the same hosting provider.

Each message that arrives in the inbox of your website’s email address has typically been directed across the web to be stored on the server provided by your email hosting service. Your server administrator has control over any actions taken. These actions may include creating spam filters, handling requests for re-routing or consulting your email blacklist.

• Web Hosting.
Web hosting services offer you various computer resources and options. These usually include server space, bandwidth and adequate memory to store your domain files and publish them online. In other words, web hosting enables you to input and store your website content on the server of your web host. This allows your site content to be accessed by a web browser.

When you have your domain email address, your business looks more professional to your site visitors. Casual web browsers, new customers and loyal clients will all have greater confidence in your brand and products. When they realise that you own and manage your domain and business email address, they see your business as having more credibility. They also understand that hackers and impostors will find it difficult to falsely represent your company.


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